Magic Mushroom Setting

Magic Mushroom Setting

It’s crucial to have a clear understanding of why you want to microdose before starting a protocol. Do you want to boost your mood, memory, or focus? Or maybe you want to feel happier or more present? The reasons behind your decision will be unique to your personal experience. Once you establish your intention, make sure to remind yourself of it regularly. Writing it down on a sticky note and placing it somewhere visible is an effective way to do this.

It’s important to stick to your normal daily routine while microdosing. Microdosing is meant to enhance your everyday life, not disrupt it.

Journaling is a helpful tool to optimize your microdosing experience. It enables you to document the effects you were hoping to achieve as well as any unexpected outcomes. Additionally, it allows you to observe the differences between dose and non-dose days.

Many microdosers report experiencing unexpected effects, such as improved sleep quality, increased motivation to eat healthily or exercise, and a more positive response to challenging situations.

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